Our wall calendar for 2023 The Colors of Tibet is full of images that showcase the incredible diversity of Tibet's landscapes, dress, and architecture displayed in vibrant living color. These are aspects of Tibetan culture and civilization which contribute to the human development of our world.
In images of tents standing by the side of a river, of red-robed monks studying Tibetan Buddhism, and of the incredible artistry of Tibetan craftsmen, we see the beauty of Tibetan culture. It is distinct and colorful, and it has deep roots in the mixture of Tibet's ancient civilization, the unique features of Tibetan Buddhism, and the influence of Tibet's neighbors.
As His Holiness the Dalai Lama reminds us, in the development of our culture and traditions, the Tibetan people have borrowed and adapted from our neighbors. Our spiritual heritage came to us from India, while the chuba, the Tibetan garment, is an adaptation of Mongolian clothing. Some aspects of our food, meanwhile, have been inspired by Chinese cuisine. Having absorbed these from our neighbors over the centuries, today Tibetans are privileged to find that our Tibetan Buddhist culture, a culture of peace and compassion, has gained the appreciation of the international community.
We hope the images in this year’s calendar will provide you with a glimpse of the rich hues of Tibetan culture and tradition.
The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) works to promote human rights and democratic freedoms for the people of Tibet and helps build awareness about Tibet during this crucial period in the country’s history.
Founded in 1988, ICT is a nonprofit membership organization with offices in Washington, DC; Amsterdam; Berlin; and Brussels; and a partnership with the Australia Tibet Council. To find out more or become a member, please visit www.savetibet.org