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As we share ICT's 2024 calendar, UNBROKEN TRADITIONS | Tibetan Culture Endures in Exile, we know the situation inside Tibet is dire. The Chinese Communist Party is dead set on wiping out all elements of Tibetan culture, from deeply held religious beliefs to our native language, history and artistic traditions dating back thousands of years. Everything that makes Tibet unique is at risk.
But outside of Tibet, the safe harbor India provides to hundreds of thousands of Tibetan exiles allows for the preservation of these traditions. In this calendar you will see the faces of Tibetan men and women who are keeping our culture alive—and, indeed, allowing it to flourish and grow in the places outside of Beijing's iron-fisted rule.
These are artisans, performers and masters of Tibetan tradition. They paint, work with metal, craft religious icons, calculate astrological outcomes and more. The variety of their skills is a testament to the depth and richness of Tibetan culture and the vital need to preserve it. I hope the beautiful photographs in this calendar move you, as they do me.
As the images in this calendar show, there is much at stake for us as we work to save Tibet. I hope we can count on your support over the year to come.
The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) works to promote human rights and democratic freedoms for the people of Tibet and helps build awareness about Tibet during this crucial period in the country’s history.
Founded in 1988, ICT is a nonprofit membership organization with offices in Washington, DC; Amsterdam; Berlin; and Brussels; and a partnership with the Australia Tibet Council. To find out more or become a member, please visit www.savetibet.org